Black Friday 101: The Day After the Sale (Series)

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale weekend is a hectic one for any business, online and off. Many business owners and their employees look forward to the day after the weekend ends for a break from the onslaught of sales, customer questions, and non-stop marketing. However, Black Friday doesn’t end just because the weekend has. Businesses still have a lot of work to do, to ensure the entire weekend was a success. If you run a business, take a look at what you need to do the day after the sale:
- Package and ship your products
- Analyze your data
- Thank your customers with a reward
- Move on to holiday deals
Package and Ship Your Products

If your business offers online sales, you have to get the orders placed online to your customers. Thanks to the precedent set by mega-businesses such as Amazon, shoppers expect shipments to go out fast, and arrive even faster. Because of this, the day after the sale should be mostly dedicated to promptly packing and shipping your products. Before you have to start packing, ensure you have enough packaging materials (boxes, bubble wrap, tape, printable labels, etc.). Also prepare a packing plan, whether that includes having each member of your team take care of an order from start to finish, or having each member take care of one task like printing shipping labels, pulling inventory, packaging, and taping.
If possible, keep your customers apprised of where their order is, by sending them notifications for when their order ships, and when it has been delivered.
Analyze Your Data the Day After the Sale

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday ends, you’re probably going to be busy tallying up sales totals and calculating your profits. Of course, these are the most exciting numbers but not the only important ones. After your sale weekend ends, take a look at the other data collected by your website. It may include things like your customer demographics, the page they most commonly entered your website on, your most popular product, your least popular product, and more. This data doesn’t immediately make you money, however it can be used in future marketing efforts which may make them more successful.
Thank Your Customers with a Reward

Black Friday is often a time when businesses see the most growth in new customers. Shoppers are searching for the best deal, and may not be as picky about where they find it. Because of this, you want to turn as many new customers into loyal ones as possible. The day after the sale is a great time to do this. Send your customers an email with a special bonus as a reward for ordering from you. Bonuses may include a discount code for another purchase, a free shipping voucher, an invitation to a rewards program, and more.
Move on to Holiday Deals

Just because Black Friday is over doesn’t mean your sales will be. Many view the Black Friday weekend as the kickoff to holiday season, which is filled with sales and deals every day until January. Rather than calling it quits immediately after Black Friday ends, get started on your holiday marketing campaigns and keep the good times rolling.
Want more tips on preparing for Black Friday? Check out the other articles in our 2020 Black Friday series!
- Launching a Promotional Campaign
- Preparing Your Team
- Optimizing Your Website
- Prepping Your Customer Service Plan
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